Creative Recycling and Zero Waste TALK for a better present

3 years ago

Arts in Rome

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

AArts in Rome is looking for partners for a KA105 project on creativity as tool to raise awareness of creative recycling and zero waste.
The project aims to identify daily actions that negatively impact the environment promoting the partecipation of young people.
Partners selected will have to help in find 6 youth between 18-25 years old.

The project aims to identify daily actions that negatively impact the environment promoting the partecipation of young people.
Partners selected will have to help in find 6 youth between 18-25 years old  who will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, understanding what "ecology" means in practical actions. They will also learn how to use social media to raise awareness of other young people on the issue.

 Creative Industries
 Digital Culture
 Visual Arts
 Artificial Intelligence

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