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'Z kamerą po Europie' - doskonalenie zawodowe nauczycieli Liceum Filmowego
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are an ambitious team of people with passion. Our aims are to constantly learn and seek new challenges. Our school - Liceum Filmowe (Film Secondary School) - is an artistic school and a recognized brand on the cultural map of the capital of Poland. All the classes in our school are of film and humanities profile. Our teachers and employees have years of professional experience in education and are open to developing new skills and improving qualifications. By taking part in the project, we would like to open more to European culture and education, as well as exchange experience with European partners. Considering the fact that we are the only Secondary Film School in Poland, we have an enormous need to collaborate with similar film schools in Europe and carry out common projects with such institutions. Within the European Development Plan we want to improve the quality of teaching and the performance of our school by adapting to international standards and by meeting the expectations of students and thier parents. To realize the objectives of our school we are planning the following mobilities: Academic Leadership, Bringing British Culture to Life, Drama In Language Education, Educational Technology Today, Effective English, Business English plus 1to1, Intensive English Curso intensivo de español , Cours de français.All together we are planning 12 mobilities with ten people taking part, the coordinators of the project going twice to two different countries and two different courses, as their tasks are more difficult and complex. To keep the project coherent with the actions of the school, the mobilities have been planned in the United Kingdom, Spain and France.We hope that thanks to this project all the school's objectives will be reached, i.e. to develop the methodology of language teachers, to improve the level of foreign languages of teachers and students, to find schools with similar film profile for collaboration. We also aim to increase the number of international projects, to make our teaching offer more attractive, to improve the management of a modern school, to provide students with the education of highest standards and to develop the tolerance in students by learning about other cultures. We believe that our project 'Z kamerą po Europie' ('With camera throughout Europe') will help us learn about European cinematography and culture of European countries : UK, Spain and France. Constant development of teachers' qualifications and finding new challenges are to us the key factors to create a modern school.
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