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Youth work knowledge exchange, Iceland-Estonia
Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth work knowledge exchange, Iceland-Estonia 2016Constant development and evolution is inevitable and necessary in youth work. The idea of the project is to renew and alleviate cooperation between two partners in youth work. There will be a total number of 14 people with different roles in the youth-work field who will be able to exchange ideas, good practices and methodology. All participants have work with and for youth in common. Some have more that 10 years experience with youth work for a public body while others have mainly been working on specific projects for NGOs. This mix of backgrounds will give the project a good dimension and everybody should feel they have something to share and something to take in.The activities will be a mix of visits with different organizations and meetings with various people with different fields of expertise. The participants will get an opportunity to exchange their their thoughts about the topics. There will also be special activities where future cooperation will be discussed and planned. The participants have worked together on youth exchanges before and this is a good opportunity to look at possibilities.Potential long term benefits are plentiful. The participants will certainly gain knowledge and experience but it is their responsibility to spread ideas to the youth in each area. Future possibilities might lie in youth exchanges and/or cooperation between youth councils. This project will also have and encouraging effect on other youth workers and youth to involve themselves in projects.

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