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Youth EVS Tirol 2014
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Youth EVS in Tirol 2014 was sparked by the interest of five different EVS host organisations in the youthwork / youth info / child welfare fields in Tirol. These host organisations are located in five different districts of the Austrian region of Tyrol. Five participants from four different countries were active at the different host organisations, but also realise common group projects during EVS. They had a strong intercultural learning experiences together during their EVS. The objectives were to foster the youngsters' active participation in European society, to give them space to be creative together with other young people in the region, to teach them key skills and competences which they will benefit from in the future (on the job market), to empower them to realise their own ideas and initiatives, to encourage them to share their attitudes, interests and values with one another and to dismantle stereotypes and exclusion, but to engage in tolerance and understanding of people from other countries. There were five participants, two of whom faced fewer opportunities because of unemployment and social problems. The activities were long-term volunteering activities, linking participants from the programme countries Lithuania, Spain, Bulgaria (2 volunteers) and the partner country Turkey in the Austrian region of Tyrol. The volunteers were connected in exchanging and sharing experience and most of them became good friends. Methodology was group work, project work, open youth work, (social) pedagogy, public relations and media work. The results were a few radio projects, two EureProjekte projects, a poster campaign about migration that spead all over Austria, great creative work in all host organisations, performed by the volunteers (arts, graphics, Workshops...), successful InfoEck Events, supported by the participants, and a youth project of soapbox-race for youth centres in Tirol. The potential long-term benefits are that the volunteers have better job chances after EVS (four out of five volunteers found a job after their EVS, two of them in Austria and two of them in their home country), new ideas that were developed in the region and are an asset for local youth work, new concepts that the volunteers left in the organisations (Facebook concept, soapbox race, poster to raise awareness on asylum seeking...), cooperations of the participants with one another, new cooperations in Erasmus+, new project ideas and a better connection between some Tyrolean hosting organisations in the youth field.

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