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“YATRA-Moving to Future in a Multicultural background PART 2”
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“YATRA-Moving to Future in a Multicultural Background part 2” was a short term Group EVS Program organized by Don Bosco Youthnet Nederland in Morocco at the hosting organisation Al Mountada Al Moutawassiti li Shaabab, in Tanger. A group of 14 Dutch immigrant/ young people with fewer opportunities did their Group EVS for one month in Tager, Morocco. The activity started on 11th of July to 16th August 2015 and the whole program was guided and supported by two trainers. This project aimed to give 14 Dutch immigrant/ young people with fewer opportunities a first experience of European Voluntary Service promoting intercultural learning and working with children (often disadvantaged) and young people. The volunteers got to know the culture, work and people at The Mediterranean Forum for Youth "FOMEJE, in a creative way through working in Social projects, school for the blind and orphanage. The volunteers will be divided in different groups during day and in the evening they have opportunity to share their experience. Responsibilities were given to the volunteer, and through daily interaction with other (EVS) volunteers and living together with them, the experience is being shared and learned from. The project YATRA have great impact on the young people who took part in it. They grew in the knowledge about their own culture by coming into contact with new culture, religion and people in Morocco. The young volunteers were motivated to take up bigger ventures in their life after this short experience. This project created good results among partners for short and long term projects.
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1 Partners Participants