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Wysokie kwalifikacje nauczycieli gwarancją sukcesu ucznia w nowoczesnej Europie
Start date: Dec 30, 2014, End date: Dec 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ‘High qualifications of teachers as a guarantee of student’s success in modern Europe’ was realized by six teachers at ZSI in Radom. They were English teachers and assistant teachers who help the disabled students during the lessons. The participants took part in training courses abroad. Two of them took part in technology-communication course organized by Smart Solution Limited in Malta. The other four teachers took part in language and methodology training organized by Bell Cambridge in Great Britain. The main aim of the project was developing qualifications of the teacher through perfecting their language skills, broadening their knowledge of the new methods and technologies of teaching languages and learning about the culture and civilization of Great Britain and gaining new skills in communication technologies. After the teachers project participants have been chosen the subject comiutees based on agreed criteria a survey was prepared concerning the courses and project expectations. The participants prepared a presentation about themselves, the school and the country and a presentation board at the school with the information about the project. During the information meeting the participants exchanged information about their courses and discussed any expressions and vocabulary they expected to use in communication in English. After completing the courses the participants conducted evaluation of the activities (surveys, knowledge sharing, conducting lessons) they distributed information about the project in the school and local society and implemented acquired skills in their work with children. After the project an evaluation was conducted and the final report was written. During the whole project we cooperated with the partner institutions through e-mail and telephone discussing the details of the courses and its activities. An important element of the project was its international dimention. Meeting the teachers from other countries allowed us to share our knowledge and experience and making new contacts in order to create new undertakings and projects. Presently we are doing a project called ‘My town’ on the e-Twinning platform. The project developed students’ tolerance and openness to different nations and cultures. Foreign language becomes the language of communication with students all over Europe. The participant of the teachers in courses abroad allowed them to introduce new methods and techniques in teaching, the motivation and engagement of the students during the lessons has increased due to the lessons attractiveness. Distributing information about the project among school and local communities through local press and articles on the internet portal and also reports given to Mazowiecki Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli in Radom positively influences the school’s image. In further perspective of our school development the competences acquired by the participants will improve the quality of school work. More and more teachers want to develop their professional competences. There are more people interested in international cooperation, sharing experiences and good practice. Currently twenty three teachers of different subjects are preparing application for a new project in KA-1 mobility of school educational personel.
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