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Water And Territorial policiEs for integRation oF multisectoRial develOpmeNT (WATER FRONT)
Start date: Apr 14, 2011, End date: Apr 13, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to define guidelines, strategies and operational tools for planning of common coasts, based on cross-border exchange of experiences Malta-Sicily, for the dissemination of good practice in order to harmonize the technical planning, thereby improving the conditions of environment for the transformation and development of the coastal tracts of the provinces of Trapani and Palermo and of Malta. The strengthening of the infrastructure nodes and their connection to the territories enhance the development of effective policies and programs able to build a strategic platform that unifies the islands in the Mediterranean area. The exchange of experiences and the dissemination of good practices among the partners involved (University Italy-Malta, Local Authorities) will improve techniques about territorial planning and about evaluation at national, regional and local levels and will better the ability of applying environmental policies and programs for risk prevention. The evaluation and interpretation of interventions already done and the analysis of risks and opportunities offered by a dynamic transformations of the waterfront, already activated (Valletta) or to activate (Trapani and Palermo) will be the beginning of the project, representing itself as a model for all the border of the Mediterranean.Il progetto ha lo scopo di definire indirizzi, strategie e strumenti operativi di pianificazione delle coste comuni, basati sullo scambio di esperienze transfrontaliere Malta-Sicilia, per la diffusione di buone pratiche al fine di armonizzare le tecniche di pianificazione territoriale, migliorando così le condizioni dell'ambiente per la trasformazione e lo sviluppo dei tratti costieri dei territori delle provincie di Trapani e Palermo e di Malta. Il potenziamento dei nodi infrastrutturali e la loro connessione ai territori di riferimento nellottica della creazione di una Piattaforma Strategica unitaria per le isole del mediterraneo determina lattivazione di meccanismi volti a migliorare l'elaborazione di politiche e programmi efficaci. Lo scambio di esperienze e diffusione di buone pratiche tra le amministrazioni coinvolte (Università Italia-Malta; Enti locali) permetterà di armonizzare le tecniche di pianificazione territoriale favorendo Il controllo e la valutazione a livello nazionale, regionale e locale e potenziando di fatto le capacità di attuazione delle politiche ambientali e dei programmi di prevenzione dei rischi. La valutazione e re-interpretazione degli inteventi e l'analisi dei rischi e delle opportunità offerte dalle dinamiche di trasformazioni dei waterfront, già attivati (La Valletta) o da attivare (Trapani e Palermo) sarà lelemento di partenza del progetto, su cui costruire modelli transfrontalieri applicabili ai vari contesti del mediterraneo. Achievements: The WATER FRONT project has favoured the integration between Sicilys western coast and Malta to valorise, through sustainable development, the cross-border resources of area from a cultural, economic, and social view point. The exchange of experience and dissemination of good practices among the administrations involved has led to the harmonization of territorial planning techniques favouring the evaluation at a national, regional, and local level and strengthening, in fact, the implementation of environmental policy and programmes of risk prevention. The evaluation and re-interpretation of the risks and opportunities offered by the dynamics of the transformation of the coastal areas under survey was the starting point of the project which considered the water front a valid driving force for the sustainable development and innovation of territorial systems. Having acquired the present-day scenario, focussed toward risk evaluation and the potential transformation of towns and their territories, there followed an analysis of the transformations in act and a census of the actors involved in territorial transformation. This brought about the defi nition of an atlas of tendencies and contrasts for the harmonisation of territorial planning techniques for an ecological, productive, urban, and integrated tourism development. • 3 waterfront put in connection (Trapani, Palermo, La Valletta) • 1 atlas of territorial planning techniques • 1 promotional documentary on the waterfronts involved

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  • 85%   243 923,65
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants