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Voluntariado por una ciudadanía intercultural 2016 (Volunteering for an intercultural citizenship)
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project takes place in Seville city (Andalucia, Spain), specifically in urban zones and suburbs, with a high density of immigrant population. The goal of the project is the intercultural and intergenerational education, the lifelong learning, professional learning and contribution to achieving the objectives of Sevilla Acoge, that is, to promote cultural diversity and heterogeneity of modern society, trying to make this a positive factor and a stimulus for social integration and human dynamism.Preferably, we will encourage multicultural coexistence through various activities (culture, recreation, sports, association, education, etc. activities) between minors and adults, foreigners and native people, as well as the search for resources for the labour and social inclusion. The actions are planned and managed with the beneficiaries, under the coordination of the foundation work team. This work team is composed of hired professionals (intercultural mediators, educators, social workers, ...) and volunteers of Sevilla Acoge, also EVS youths and students making his/her practise from local schools and universities.This project is a continuation of the other previous which have been carried out in Sevilla Acoge. The duration of the project will be almost a whole year. The working method will be research – active participation; people are self-organizing with support from educators and mediators, to analyze the reality and develop the agreed actions.We request for this project 5 young people of different nationality: 1 from France, 3 from Italy and 1 from Poland.

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