VOCA Europe 2 — Increased accessability to vocational training and increased attachment to the labour market for disabled people through the VOCA europa 2 mentor model
VOCA Europe 2 — Increased accessability to vocatio..
VOCA Europe 2 — Increased accessability to vocational training and increased attachment to the labour market for disabled people through the VOCA europa 2 mentor model
The project is based on two previous project’s results in the field of training disabled persons. For disabled persons getting a job and especially keeping it is a major challenge. This project will develop and test a model for training mentors who can assist companies in employing disabled persons and assist in keeping up the employment situation. The primary target groups of the project are companies who will employ disabled persons, trainers and VET institutions. The products of the project will be: (1) A common electronic assessment model and template targeted at companies, to assess their abilities to employ a person with a disability. (2) A mentor course plan, pilot course of 60 lessons and a web-based after course service pack including coaching by a trainer and exchange of experiences; e-coaching and e-learning (3) A mentor training web-portal and project’s website (4) A model for adaptation and modulation of national curricula (5) A mentor-training handbook, available in website and printed form presenting pedagogical tools and methods. Dissemination of information will happen through project’s website, transnational internet-conference involving stakeholders, articles in magazines and publishing a handbook on using the project’s products, to be distributed to anyone interested in the subject. National networks are acting as main dissemination channels. Participating countries: CZ, DK, EL, ES, IT, LT, PT
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