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Vivre ensemble : différences et identités
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is entitled “LIVING TOGETHER: DIFFERENCES AND IDENTITIES” and takes place from 17th to 24st April 2016 in Narbonne, in France. It will gather 12 European partners of the organisation Roudel, each of them represented by an official person responsible of the organization and two young people (with young people with fewer opportunities among them since Roudel and its partners aim their activities at them) who are involved in this organization and interested in interculturality and the European project. This kind of seminar took place for the fist time in November 2014 and tackled the concerns of youth mobility and involvement. This time, the organisations’ network has strengthened itself meanwhile, and will work on the aspects of living together and the challenges about difference and identities. If we consider the diverse attacks that bloodied the beginning of 2015 as well as the integration of refugees, we can say that the topic of living together is indeed in the middle of those countries’ concerns. This seminar aims at drafting a joint document reflecting the common ground concerning living together and interculturality: values and principals, ethics of the intercultural approach (reflecting and constructing together), tools and methods adapted to this topic. The project also has 5 other goals: - evaluate projects that were implemented by the partners among them and measure their effects on the participants and their local environment depending on living together and participation - establish an online platform/formal overview of the organisations’ network that are present in order to value their past, present and future actions - through active methods which favor experimentation and experiences, find meanings for the concept of identity, find content for the word respect, observe communities’ mechanisms and what brings people together, and experiment dialogue and intercultural conflicts- evaluate those tools and gather them in a toolbox available and enriched by and for the network. We will question the components of living together: the common law, the respect (and non-tolerance) of differences, the search for common values, the modalities for creating identities, etc. We will use active pedagogic methods that allow us to really work on this type of issue and especially on intercultural conflict management and dialogue. - work on future common actions in order to build projects about the theme mainly for young peopleAll those subjects will be tackled with active pedagogy methods (Betzavta pedagogy, Open-Space etc.) and all the actors will be implicated in the implementation before, during and after the project. Indeed a good preparation, an active participation and a total engagement of the participants will be needed to guarantee the projects’ success. This seminar will enable the participants to being conscious about the theme and what it implies in other countries. It will also empower the actors thanks to all the discussions and discovered methods, which will enable the organisations to work further on the theme and find new solutions, which will increase the recognition of their action at different levels. Finally this gathering will enable the implementation of future quality projects about the theme.

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12 Partners Participants