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VET Moving: Mobilità sistemica per l'Istruzione e la Formazione Professionale in Emilia Romagna
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXTVET Moving is part of the internationalisation strategy of the VET regional system, aiming at the reaching of the 6% benchmark of students participating to mobility, foreseen by ET2020.AECA and its regional network of partners, including the Region Emilia Romagna, have already started the process through previous Erasmus+, LLP Leonardo Mobility, Network and ESF programmes for students' mobility and the development of a regional structure that facilitates the coordination and the involvement of vocational training centers and schools of the whole regional area in learning mobility. OBJECTIVESTo foster social inclusion and employability of young people attending vocational training courses, encouraging at the same time the personal development and lifelong learning. VET participants will acquire key competences and professional skills in order to achieve their qualification, continue training or enter the labor market.To integrate learning mobility into the Emilia Romagna VET system, in order to:- increase the attractiveness of VET system- recognise learning outcomes through ECVET system- strengthen and organise the regional cooperation towards the creation of a consortium for VET mobility in Emilia Romagna.NUMBER AND PROFILES OF PARTICIPANTSVET Moving will involve 250 students of vocational education (EQF 3): young people aged between 16 and 20, some of them with educational, economical social or cultural difficulty. 85% of students had their studies interrupted or have an unsuccessful training career. For the majority of them, the opportunity given by the Erasmus+ Programme will represent the only chance to have a training experience abroad in order to acquire skills and competences that could have a significant impact on their personal and professional profile. The qualifications have been chosen according to the indicators of socio-economical context of Emilia-Romagna and to those sectors that could require the kind of skills and key competences acquired by these participants, as they are more and more developing their international dimension.Participants will be selected among students of second and third year, attending courses for the achievement of the following qualifications:Agrifood OperatorAdministrative and Secretary OperatorMechanics OperatorCar Repairing OperatorBeauty Treatments OperatorInfrastructure Building OperatorElectric and Photovoltaic installation OperatorPrint OperatorGraphic OperatorWood and Furniture operatorRetail Outlet OperatorWarehouse OperatorClothing OperatorCatering OperatorThermohydraulic system OperatorTourism OperatorACTIVITY DESCRIPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGYThe activity concerns the organisation of curricular internships in European companies of the duration of 3 weeks for 250 students coming from VET system in Emilia-Romagna.Definition, assessment, validation and recognition of learning objectives reached by participants will be carried out through the implementation of ECVET system. Among the countries of destination are: Cyprus, Germany, France, Poland, Slovenia, Lithuania and Spain. The participants will be sent in 4 flows, each one composed by 6-7 groups of 10 students and an accompanying person. RESULTS AND IMPACTGiven the dimension and the number of actors involved at regional level, it is expected that the project will have an impact after the end of the activity, starting from the results, which will concern:- the participants (the acquisition of key and professional skills, and the improvement of a foreign language will help them to find a job more easily);- the training centres and VET providers (steady integration of learning mobility in their training offer);- AECA, Uniser and Emilia-Romagna Region (development of their internationalisation strategy approach);- the consortium (sustainability of cooperation after the end of the project);- organisational scheme of VET Moving (diffusion and transfer of the scheme to a national level);- CNOS Lombardia (transfer of mobility as systemic approach as in VET Moving scheme to another Italian Region).LONG TERM BENEFITA systemic mobility at regional level means:- more formally recognised opportunities for VET professionals and students;- more qualified human resources, that can enter the labour market, meeting the competence requirements of the companies with international dimension;- an infrastructure working on the development of a strategy for mid-long term mobility;- the reduction and optimization of mobility management costs and increasing opportunities of raising new co-financing instruments;- the diffusion in Europe of a model of cooperation among VET consortia, which would facilitate the companies' involvement and their active participation.

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