European Projects
Turning Green Education
Turning Green Education
Start date: Jun 18, 2014,
End date: Jan 17, 2015
Many organizations, working in the field of environmental education apply great, often unique methods. Although working with the same schema, after some time we get into a routine and loose enthusiasm. Than our workshops stop to be interesting for recipients. It is time for something new! Source of inspirations in environmental education can be very diverse, starting with national traditions, culture, religion, ending with every day behaviours. Learning of new methods in education is not easy, specially, when we use traditional scenarios of lessons.
Main goal of the project is to enlarge knowledge concerning methods of environmental education among people engaged into this subject in Poland and EU countries.
This will be done by:
• Increasing resources of tools, which can be used in work with youth
• Exchanging good practices of work with youth
• Increasing awareness related to sustainable development among youth and youth workers
• Increasing motivation of youth workers
• Integration of organizations, which work in environmental education
• Creating of multimedia platform for exchange of experiences and methods.
In the training course will participate 10 youthworkers from 4 European Countries: Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Romania, supported by 4 people: trainers and facilitators from Association EKOSKOP and Magurski National Park.
As the old Chinese proverb say: ”Tell me, I’ll forget. Show me, I’ll remember. Involve me, I’ll understand”. In this project we want to create space for participants to show their own methods of environmental education, so they can learn from eachother and being involved in exchange of methods we hope they will obtain not only new skills but also a lot of enthusiasm and confidence that environmental education is important topic today. Multimedia platform, created after the event will be a tool for spreading this knowledge and enthusiasm, not only among the partner organizations, but also among wide group of people, who search inspiration in their work.