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Tranzitia de la scoala la viata activa
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The transition from school to work" is a project for the Action Mobility of learners and staff, VET learner and staff mobility within the Key Action Learning Mobility of Individuals Applicant-Technical College Buzau one of the largest technical high schools in the county, one that trains students in all three profiles of VET (services , technical and environmental ) and various specializations . It is a very special school, where 82 % of students are from rural areas but it has extensive European experience ( two Comenius partnerships and one Leonardo da Vinci IVT, etc.). It is the only " European school " in the county for the period 2012-2015 The project facilitates the employment of students in their respective fields, and that is, in fact, the reason of our high school’s existence Having this purpose, 57 our students will have three weeks of practice abroad. Prior to this practical training of students, 4 engineers (1/specialization) will have a training experience of 5 days in a group of technical colleges in the same municipality The project is meant for students of the 10th grade studying Module 4, the only common to all specializations, the main competence and a national priority being the title of the project itself. It has 90 hours (3weeksx5daysx6hours)and it is the only practical training module they would have in Romania Specific objectives: - facilitate the transition from school to work by training professionals to meet the demands of employers resulting in increasing the percentage of graduates who are employed in their field - supply 4 specific situations-specific examples of good practice within the profession according to European standards and requirements -self-training skills/responsible behavior at European standards Partners: - The Technical College is the applicant and sending organization(selection of beneficiaries, training, schedule, financial management, contracts, travel formalities, certification, dissemination). -The intermediary organization INTERCULTURAL-MOBILITY ASSOCIATION FRIENDS largest Portuguese organization with more than 1070 participants in training courses; they provide accommodation and meals, supervising participants in the social and professional integration, they are responsible for the security of students, pedagogical/cultural training, Portuguese language communication exercises, dissemination, etc -the receiving organizations INFOCAVADO (14 students computers) JOMICARAUTO (14 pupils transport) PIMENTA DO VALE LABORATORIOS (14 ecology students), Municipio de Barcelos (15 pupils in administration) in the action VET learners in companies will ensure the smooth running of of 90 hours of training, they will assume the signature on the mobility certificate for each student, etc and Agrupamento de escolas de Barcelos (for the 4 teachers) in the action Staff training abroad; they ensure the smooth running of the training program of 40 hours (5 daysx8hours). They provide support for teachers to have access to the material, management documents, official documents, etc. they supervise teachers while observing classes and make sure they are integrated, they assumes, by signature, the mobility certificate, etc Students will develop their practical skills and will gain real experience of working in a European company that evolves in a competitive environment at European rules and standards Participants in this project will gain practical skills at European standards compared to those acquired in school, competences needed to adapt to the requirements of the labor market and the dynamics of technological change The project will lead to an improved image of the student at community, school and intrinsic level. The fact that he/she will work in a new environment, far from family (the center of his universe) will help him discover, become independent, responsible, punctual leading to an increased self-esteem Students will improve their communication skills in the two European foreign languages (English and Portuguese) through the online linguistic training conducted in Romania and by interacting with people in organizations There will be a strengthened relationship between student, school, community and UE The participation in this project will be mentioned in each student’s CV and the acquired certificates will ensure an easier integration on the internal and international labor market This experience will help the four participating teachers in the future to prepare the curricula and improve teaching methods and learning techniques to match the requirements at both local and national level and the requirements in Europe. Just preparing students is not enough. To ensure the maintenance of the project a specialized teacher for each specialization must attend a training course in the same country where to observe teaching methods, curricula, content, visit companies. It is only in this manner that The Technical College will produce a real impact on future generations

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