European Projects
Training course ANIMATION for EDUCATION
Training course ANIMATION for EDUCATION
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Jan 31, 2015
ANIMATION for EDUCATION is a training course organized by Centro Lúdico de Imagem Animada – ANILUPA, Associação de Ludotecas do Porto and funded by Erasmus+ programme. The project was created together with partner organizations: Centro di Servızı Culturali U.N.L.A. from Italy, Asociatia Young Initiative from Romania and Proyecto Kieu from Spain, which promote education through different artistic fields, such as animation, theater, reading and storytelling, photography, music, etc. The training course implemented in Porto, Portugal on 24th -29th of November 2014 is designed for people who are directly involved in working with youth: trainers, teachers, volunteers, youth leaders, youth workers. 20 participants from Portugal, Italy, Romania and Spain will have the opportunity to explore the Animation as a powerful tool of working with young people as well as to share and reflect about their experience of working with young people in their local communities. The training course is based on the methods of non-formal education, such as animation and story telling workshops, team building activities, presentations, guided visit, games and practical exercises always encouraging the initiative, creativity and active participation of all group members. The expected impact on the participants is the contribution to their professional development and improvement of their working performance by learning and applying new educational tools as well as discovering the methods presented by other participants, coming from different social and cultural contexts. Other expected results are related with the promotion of Erasmus+ programme and encouraging international participation of the organizations represented by the participant of the training. It is expected that creating international partnerships through the contact network established during the training will encourage the development of international educational projects, in this way involving the local community of each organization and widening the impact of the ANIMATION for EDUCATION.