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Raise the number of mobility processes within the vocational training system is one of the main objectives of the European Commission and one of the priorities for the upcoming 2014-2020 programming period. It is obvious that one of the variables through which the number of vocational training mobilities can be increased will be the ATTRACTIVNESS of these work experiences abroad and therefore their USAGE VALUE in the labour market of reference. The project moves from the need to identify tools and practices for the RECOGNITION of the skills acquired during mobility and to improve their recognition by the labour market. More the experience will be usable, more beneficiaries will be interested in it and this will make mobility a natural thing to do and not an exception. The usage value given to the experience depends on the ability of the vocational training system to make skills acquired during mobility transparent, clear and recognizable.Concerning this, Friuli Venezia Giulia has a system to describe and group vocational skills that has been working for years and refers to the organizations of the working process, the repertorire is not tied to the education and vocational qualifications system, making it more flexible and easy for enterprises to undestand and use. This “syntax” is an innovative practice that can be transferred for the codification of skills acquired during mobility combined with the validation of the acquired competences by local assessment companies and the use of Europass supplment of in-company experience as the reference for acknowledgement of the experience. The general objective is to increase the quality and attractiveness of the European vocational training system by transferring innovative practices for the recognition of skills acquired during international mobility. The addressees of this strategy are students who are members of IVT and PLM groups. The aim is to transfer a model to codify and recognize the skills acquired during mobility so they will be easier to spend in the labour market. The project aims to overcome problems that companies have in the recognition of qualifications. The aim is to develop and transfer the existing experience and tools, common guidelines to manage the acknowledgement made by the hosting foreign company and the validation made by a local "assessment" company of the work experience carried out during mobility periods.
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