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Three Steps to Education in Diversity
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the last years everybody is talking about accepting diversity, about removing prejudices regarding people with fewer opportunities, regarding tags that are placed to persons with disabilities, regarding the fact that we don't have to talk about the disabilities of a person, but about the abilities this people have. The responsability, tolerance, active citizenship, mutual respect are behaviors that every citizen living in a modern society should embrace.The main objectives of the project are promoting diversity, social inclusion of the persons with fewer opportunities, but also of active citizenship European citizenship, tolerance between youngsters, cultural exchange, all these achieved by methods of non-formal education.In the project Three Steps to Education in Diversity six volunteers aged between 18 and 30 will participate : one boy from Portugal, two girls from Austria, two girls from Germany and a boy from Spain. They will do in Alpha Transilvana Foundation a 10 months volunteering stage, from 01st of September 2016 till 30th of June 2017.The volunteers will have activities with the beneficiaries in all three major programs of the foundation. In each program will work two volunteers, simultaneously. They will rotate between the programs, so that, each volunteer will work, îin every program of the foundation. The activities will be carried out through non-formal educational methods; working methods will be flexibile and will depend on the volunteers preferences. In START program for children with normal development, the volunteers and the kids will carry out the following activities: handmade workshops, personal development activities for kids, theatre club, foreign language clases: german, spanish and portugese, romanian language class for ethnic Hungarian children, ALPHA camp - themed camps for kids.In PERSEVERENȚA program for children with multiple and severe disabilities, the volunteers with the beneficiaries and the staff will carry out the following activities: helping in basic care for children with disabilities in the day care center, daily group activities, art therapy workhops, walks and outdoor activities, activities on the playground, going to the ZOO, horse riding, trips in the forest.In ATRIUM program for young people with disabilities, the volunteers with the youngsters will carry out the following activities: german, spanish and portugese clases, art therapy workshops, educational games using different non-formal techniques, life skills developing program using games, drawing, outdoors activities, sports clases.Besides daily activities the volunteers will organize the following events: - Organizing an international gastronomic evening in the foundation, the volunteers will prepare and serve traditional dishes of their own countries - Organizing an intercultural workshop in 2016 START Christmas event where the volunteers and the children will manufacture little flags in their country colours, will sing and will play traditional games, they will give the kids traditional cookies from their countries - Performing an artistic moment with ATRIUM program beneficiaries on 2016 Christmas party - Organizing and performing a theatre moment together with little actors from START programe - Organizing, în april 2017 of aa activity to promote internațional volunteering and SEV programe, among youngsters from local community, in schools from Tîrgu-Mureș, in "Școala altfel" national program - Organizing an exhibition with the objects made by young people with disabilities and volunteers, on May 2017 ONG Fest - Realizing a project jurnal where the volunteers will describe their experiences and they will insert photos and videos with their activities. The major impact of the project will be promoting the volunteering, by organizingcultural activities din proiect (art therapy workshops, foreign languages clases, theatre, exhibition, show), as well as accepting diversity, supporting and encouraging of the solidarity, tolerance, mutual understanding and cooperation in local community. The volunteers will work together in team, they will exchange experiences and informations, they will get to know each other, will create together an unique life experience which will make them understand the importance of implication into the community life, being responsable and active citizens, and every volunteer will carry on forward all these informations in their own community. On national /european level, the impact will be on social integration system, on active citizenship development and diversity acceptance and through this, both the romanian and european societies will be enriched in active, responsable citizens, with sound primciples about the world they live in.

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