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Theater fight against discrimination
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project involves bringing together a sixty young Europeans aged 13 to 17 and six different nationalities from 3 to 13 August 2015 in France (Breteuil). • Promoting active citizenship of young people in general and their European citizenship in particular • Develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, especially for promoting social cohesion in the European Union Tolerance means accepting and valuing differences between people, recognizing that these differences enrich us. United in diversity ... Theatre (main activity) allow young people to exchange ideas about discrimination, cultural differences and tolerance. A representation will enhance their involvement to this project and to share with a wider audience the results of their creation. Other activities will be proposed to promote the exchange and development among young people (out of Paris, outdoor activities, etc.). The Europe Direct Information Centre host games, will offer exhibitions to discover Europe and citizenship, encourage debate. International evenings allow to discover the culture and traditions of nationalities. Accommodation will be in a hotel and we will have an auditorium for rehearsals with a professional director. Residents are invited to shows in late trade.

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