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The Snake Charmer
Start date: Nov 28, 2014, End date: May 27, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Snake Charmer follows Bollywood star Aamir Khan on a journey across India, as he uses his gifts as a charmer to lure his audience into adopting radical new ideas and practices concerning the role of women.Khan is on a quest to confront India’s deepest social ills, from sexual abuse to caste discrimination and rape, and to convince his country to terms with crime and inequality, which are bringing death, poverty and unhappiness to hundreds of thousands of women across the country. The film travels from his talk show ‘Satyamev Jayate’ (Truth Alone Prevails), to the lavish sets of Bollywood, the red carpets of film premieres, close encounters with government officials, human rights activists and journalists, as well as the daily lives of women who have suffered violence and discrimination. In its second season, ‘Satyamev Jayate’, a blend of 60 Minutes and Oprah’s, has shaken Indian society by exposing India’s most critical social issues relating to women’s rights. As written by Time magazine, which named Aamir Khan ‘India’s First Celebrity Activist’, the talk show asks “hard questions society is often reluctant to address.”Interwoven with Khan’s journey, are the lives of three women activists. Through their eyes, we discover their fight to bring change to their communities, but also the Bollywood role models which they grew up with and why they believe these are affecting the lives of women across the country.The film also includes scenes from Bollywood films, typical of their genre at their time of release, exploring the changing construction of women characters in popular Indian films, and attempting to understand how film can affect relations between men and women. The film ultimately poses wider questions about our culture’s normalization of rape and sexual assault, which allows victims to be frequently blamed, implicitly or explicitly, when these crimes are committed against them.
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