Take the challenge!
Start date: Jul 15, 2014,
End date: Oct 14, 2015
The project invited four young people from Serbia, Georgia, Germany and Latvia to do their voluntary service in Lithuania. The project goal is to provide the opportunity for young people to learn through experience while helping others. Performing voluntary service in cultural and social organizations volunteers will actively engaged in their activities. In this way, they have revealed their talents and acquired new personal, social and professional skills. Gaining new skills and developing the skills they already have, volunteers had consider their professional future and / or further studies that match their abilities and ensure personal development.
While living in Lithuania volunteers met and became friends with other EVS volunteers and the local community. After knowing each other, they expanded their horizons about different countries, cultures and traditions. They have learnt tolerance and respect for one another, patience, and got rid of some stereotypes. This helped them to grow as individuals, to become independent, responsible and compassionate people.
This project was initiated to continue the cooperation with the host organizations that already have experience with EVS volunteers and which seek to improve the work with volunteers in order to create meaningful experience for future volunteers. During the project, participants (employees of the organization, clients and volunteers) felt respect for one another and a willingness to learn from one another.
The project took place in Vilnius and Elektrėnai. Four volunteers did their service in three different organizations - the two of them work in the field of culture, and another one - in the social field. Voluntary service was from 5 to 9 months, during which volunteers were actively engaged in the daily activities of the host organizations and were encouraged to take their own initiatives, as well as get acquainted with other cultures, were learning the Lithuanian language.
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