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Színházi előadások létrehozása és cseréje Kassa és Miskolc városában / Vytvorenie divadelných hier a ich výmena v Košiciach a Miškovci (Határtalan élmények / Bezhraničné zážitky)
Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Aug 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project intending to realize the following activities on the base of the co-operation attained within the confines of INTERREG III/A, which was finished in 2007:In the past period mainly musical and dance productions were presented on our stages to make the linguistic reception easier. However, the quickened theatrical life allows the presentation of prosaic shows to the tune of 6 performances each. In this way the guest companies can use their own language with the subtitle of the dramatic text in the neighbouring town.The other milestone of the progress would be the production of a joint show. The Robinson & Crusoe by D-Introna and Giacomo Ravicchio is the perfect example for the linguistic and cultural diversity and for the dissolution of the conflict.Within the confines of the tender the two theatres would produce together this performance, which would be presented 6 times on each stage with the co-operation of a Slovakian director, a Hungarian literary advisor and two actors of the two theatres. Achievements: Most of the time, the participants of theatrical performances are opinion-leaders, emblematic characters of their community, so theatre visitors can propagate in their own community the cultural values of the neighbouring areas; eventually they are able to inspire the development of new co-operations. So the primary target group of the project was that part of the community which is open to the reception of the neighbouring country’s cultural achievements. The aim of the project was to create a common theatrical production, and the exchange of already existing productions in Košice and in Miskolc. The common production was Robinson & Crusoe by D’Introna and Giacomo Ravicchio, which is a perfect example for the linguistic and cultural diversity and the resolution of the conflict coming from the situation. The performance was created by Slovak and Hungarian artists.

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  • 85%   89 022,20
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Slovak Republic (HU-SK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website