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Sustainable transnational communication & networking between Deaf Youth Associations in EUTitel på dansk:Bæredygtig tværnational kommunikation & netværk mellem døve Ungdomsforeninger i EU
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Title:"Sustainable transnational communication and network between Deaf Youth Associations in EUParticipating countries and partners: - Denmark, Danske Døves Ungdomsforbund - 10 participants - Kosovo, Shoqata Kosovare E Te Shurdherve Seksioni Ti Rinjeve - 10 participants - Albania, Albanian National Association Of The Deaf - 10 participants - Spain, National Confederation of Deaf People - 10 participants - Belgium, Federatie van Vlaamse Dove - 10 participantsThe project aims: - We will strengthen the individual's identity through improved communication - We will motivate the individual deaf to engage with the outside world - We will strengthen the individual skills in using new digital communication tools - We will open doors for young deaf to a world where "a hearing disability" not is a problem for active participation in the rest of the society nationally and internationally.- To let young deaf people in EU meet each other in a sign language environment and creates networks across nationalitiesThe target for each deaf and national youth deaf organizations: - The participants must acquire knowledge about interculturalism - For the participants the ability to be information- and source critical - To sensitize the individual on national and international sign language as a communication form on digital platforms - To provide knowledge of conflict in many digital communication forms - To generate knowledge about self-promotion on the digital media - To improve the quality of youth work between deaf nationally and internationally through the exchange of experience and cooperation. - To strengthen international cooperation between deaf and deaf organizations in the EU - To deaf people who regard themselves as a minority group in society must be strengthened courage to be an equal part of societyActivity PlanThe project will achieve its targets by implementing a 14-day "Youth Camp" in Denmark. Before the end of the to weeks, there will be prepared an action plan for further work in the countries individually and between the countries. Communication is based on a new digital platform as a common forum and tools for the project. The follow up of the project is rooted in Deaf associations' main organization in collaboration with the project managers in Denmark will make a follows up and evaluation of the project.The activities of the Youth Camp is: - Formal learning through lectures, presentations, group work, discussion in plenum, intensive idea camp, study trip to Copenhagen and product development of a new digital platform. Presenters: - Markku Jokinen, Finland, Chairman of the European Union of the Deaf - Benjamin Busch, Germany, Journalist - Outi Toura-Jensen, Denmark, Teacher of the Deaf School Castberggård - Ole Vestergaard, Denmark, Teacher of the Deaf School Castberggård - Filip Verhelst, Denmark, Teacher of the Deaf School Castberggård - Adam Kosa, Hungary, Member of the European Parliament - Mette Bertelsen, Denmark, Master in Digital Design and Communication - Helga Stevens, Belgium, Member of the European Parliament - Informal learning by meeting with other cultures and assimilated young deaf, social activities, sports - games and fun, and practical tasks jointly be resolved.The project's effect in the short term: - Participants will acquire knowledge about deaf people's conditions and opportunities in Europe - Participants will acquire intercultural knowledge in the meeting with other deaf from EU - Participants will acquire new communication tools - Participants will acquired communicative strategies in the use of social media and journalism. - Participants will become acquainted with the challenges in the international and transnational communication and models for problem solving. - Participants will learn to multiperspectivate their daily deaf political work both on a national and international level.The desired effect in the long term:The desired effect is that national youth associations for deaf people understand how to use digital media when they are communicating about their political work at regional, national and on an international level.At the international level, the project aims is to establish and operate a digital "communication platform" in cooperation with EUDY (European Union of the Deaf Youth).Deaf people see themselves as a minority group, and in many cases subject to the "hearing culture". The project aim is to strength the individual deaf self-image and identity, as well as prepare the individual to take an active part in society, both on a close personal level and on an association and organizational level.In connection with the evaluation of the project there will be used Youth Pass, Google Analyse and Dialogue Tool JUMP.
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5 Partners Participants