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Sustainable Plan for Integrated Development through the European Rail network – Projecting Logistics & mobility for Urban Spatial design evolution (SPIDER PLUS)
Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"SPIDER PLUS objective is to provide a new 2050 mobility VISION through a Strategic Design & Plan, and a Road Map delivering Sustainable Solutions by then. In such Plan the electrified Rail has a central role both for passengers and freight. The productivity of the available resources supported by ICT and other technologies, is maximized by the combination of infrastructural nodes with spatial and urban planning integrating the missing links for sustainable mobility and city logistics. The combination of the Time with Space management generates seamless transport chains reducing aggravations and costs. E/Service, E/Freight, ICT technologies, satellite communications, Galileo are tools for achieving these objectives. Syncro-Mobility is the 2050 SPIDER PLUS MOBILITY motto."

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