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Sustainable Milk Hygiene Training Model For Safe Milk and Safe Future
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The milk sector has an important place in a country’s economy as well as in the protection of public health/food safety. According to Turkish Statistical Institute-TUIK, 2014, 16.867.419 tons of milk production is realised in 1.250.947 current Dairy Cattle Enterprises. Although Milk Products makes up of major part of our Nutrition, The quality of raw milk produced in our country is far below the EU Standards. EU raw milk minimum bacteria number in the mililitre of Milk is: 100.000 at most according EU Commission regulation numbered:1662/2006, Specific Hygiene Rules for Food of Animal Origin. In Turkey, bacteria number of the milk samples ranges from 200.000 to 10 million, rarely under 100.000. (data from Central Union of Breeding Cattle Farmers). The main rationale of the project is that: the milk production sector has problems in terms of raw milk hygiene and quality. The most important reason for these problems is that employees in the raw milk production sector don’t know much about milk hygiene, they haven’t caught up with developments. The key target vocational groups improving the quality of milk are the professional groups working in the dairy farming sector employees/workers, or working in the dairy enterprises or with dairy farms. The main objective of this proposal is to improve the vocational qualifications/Competences of the professional groups working in the dairy farming sector by designing Milk Hygiene Training Module(s), Learning tools and materials including (printed, multi-media and online training tool), Training of Trainers, and Pilot Training Implementation of the Modules. The participants of this project are Project Management team (12 staff/expert), 50 staff/learner/trainers/academicians/experts/relevant stakeholders participating to the workshop on Modules, 20 TRAINERS participating, training/teaching/learning activities in Holland from an expert training organization and implementing the Pilot Vocational Training. 1400 learners participating pilot vocational training implemented by the developed Modules Module(s), Learning tools and materials including (printed, multi-media and online training tool) 300 staff/learner/trainers/academicians/ experts /relevant stakeholders outside the participating organisations for Multiplier Event in Turkey and in Europe. 48.000 final beneficiaries and stakeholders in local; professional groups working in the dairy sector. staff/learners /trainers/academicians/experts/relevant stakeholders outside the participating Organisations, Approximately 1.000.000 final beneficiaries and stakeholders all around Turkey and Europe. We planned to use research, analysis, interpretation and implementation method in the project that covers intellectual outputs: training modules, printed, visual and online training tools and materials, producing academic paper/article, organising multiplying events, implementing series of training courses to increase awareness, knowledge, skills and competencies for raw milk hygiene. Developing an educational model for milk hygiene and is an innovative model which will increase the expertise and skills of vocational groups in the raw milk production sector and reach the standards of the EU regarding raw milk hygiene criteria. Our proposal includes scientific pre and post analyses, the milk hygiene education model geared towards various vocational groups in the raw materials production sector, printed, multimedia and online educational materials, trainings of trainer and the pilot application of the Developed Educational Model and the scientific evaluation of the pilot training. The Developed Milk Hygiene Modules will support the development of high quality Vocational Training of the profession groups in dairy farming sector; workers/employees, veterinarians, engineers, ; All the related occupations can benefit from the developed Modules because keeping the Milk Hygiene is a part of their Occupational Quality. The developed Modules and Learning Materials will be proposed to Ministry of National Education, to be approved and published in MEGEP and to the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Livestock. The impact of the Project will expand from the center, beginning from the participating individuals and Organisations, to the other relevant organisations and sectors in Aydın, in Turkey and in Europe by carefully planned dissemination activities and sharing the outputs of the project. Online training and multimedia learning materials and developed Milk Hygiene Modules will be published and be made freely available at the web-site developed both in Turkish and in English. Dissemination activities and outputs of the project resulting from successful implementation of the project will lay the foundations of sustainability of our ‘Sustainable Milk Hygiene Training Model For Safe Milk and Safe Future’ project. Sustainability methods will be ensured at the Provincial Level, at the Ministry Level for the Whole Community/Sector.
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