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Sustainable development of river tourism on the Upper Tagliamento (RAPIDE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Jul 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

RAPIDE is based on a concept devised by the municipality of Forni di Sopra which, through the sustainable and environment-friendly use of the Upper Tagliamento for river tourism - kayaking, rafting, canyoning, etc. - intends to direct the tourist flows towards its territory and to the other municipalities involved. Therefore, the high naturalistic value of the area, which at present is not widely known at a national level, is going to be enhanced, thus contributing to raising the visitors environmental awareness. Apart from the coordination, the financial-economic management and the cooperation with Italian and Slovenian partners, the project will build infrastructures along the river, so as to ensure the fruition of an eight-kilometre stretch. Specifically, three docking facilities will be set up while expanding the existing parking space, with the addition of light infrastructures (changing rooms, toilets, benches and tables) and the positioning of signage and other useful information. There follows the organisation of launching and promotional events, according to a targeted marketing strategy. In this sense on the occasion of said events tourists will have the chance to practice water activities for free. The last stage of the initiative includes the monitoring, assessment and dissemination of results, also in order to transfer the acquired experience to areas with similar features. This will hopefully have favourable economic effects on the tourist ancillary sector (restaurants, reception services, shops), with a consequent improvement of the employment rates and a decrease in the depopulation of the mountain areas.
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