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Strengthening European Youth Participation: Capacity Building and Networking for Multipliers
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Strengthening European Youth Participation: Capacity Building and Networking for Multipliers” is a project aiming to offer networking opportunities to peers in the field of youth education and youth work; to enhance the skills development of these youth workers; and in turn help the participating organisation to increase their capacities further. The training course is built on the idea of multiplying effect and spreading of good practices in running youth NGOs across Europe, and allows for youth works with similar tasks and responsibilities to learn from each other and build up a network of peers. The project will bring together 50 participants from 27 different youth organisations, creating synergies between these, improving the quality of their activities, and fostering the creation of a network of peers and similar-minded youth organisations, to work together also further on and to develop joint projects. All participants are young youth workers or volunteers themselves. The main training event will be organized on 1-4 September 2016 in Berlin, Germany. The final content of the training course and modules will be adapted to the real needs of the participants, and the participants will be asked to give input already in the preparatory stages. The training course is based on active participation and will include daily practical exercises, embracing non-formal learning and informal learning methods and encouraging participation. All key activities are ran and planned by young volunteers, making the project an entirely youth-run project. The design of the training modules will encourage participants to get to mix and interact with as many other participants as possible. All the training materials and outcomes are documented carefully and made available to the participants, all EYP alumni and the networks of the partner organisations. The project envisions the participants to act as multipliers and organise a range of follow-up trainings and workshops, to pass on what they learn both within their own youth NGOs and to others. The enhanced skills and insights of the participants, the international network of peers and youth NGOs, as well as the documented and compiled training resources are the main results we expect. With these, we aims at significant sustainable change in the partner organisation network.

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26 Partners Participants