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#SocialMedia for Youth Employement - Genç İşsizliğine Karşı #SosyalMedya
Start date: Jan 5, 2015, End date: May 5, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

#SocialMedia for Youth Employment is an Erasmus+ Training Course aiming to raise awareness on the topic of youth unemployment and to identify the main reasons behind it. In addition, this training course aimed to promote the use of social media as a solution to the issue of youth unemployment. Furthermore, this training course aimed to support the intercultural learning, active citizenship, leadership skills and the personal development of young volunteers and youth workers. Throughout the project we have carried out non-formal education activities such as simulations, workshops, street campaigns, audiovisual workshops, through which we have managed to meet all of the objectives of this training course as set in the project application. Our training course has taken place on the 12-19/03 at City Hotel in Çerkezköy, Tekirda?. There were 34 participants to the project, 16 of which came from disadvantaged backgrounds and 2 of which were the project?s trainers, one from Turkey and one from Greece. There were 4 participants from every country. The participants from Czech Republic, Malta and Greece were young people facing economic and social and cultural problems. The participants from Greece, Malta, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland and Turkey have all actively participated in all the activities of this training course. Through the Finding Nemo and Mystery of The Middle Earth activities, the participants improved their group dynamic, teamwork, planning, strategy-development and time-management skills. Furthermore, due to the fact that throughout all the project?s activities the working language was English, the participants had the opportunity to develop their communication and presentation skills in a foreign language. During the Wild Business World and Youth Unemployment Tree activities, we explored the main reasons behind youth unemployment. Through online collage workshops, we explored the intercultural similarities and differences on the topic of youth unemployment and identified solutions for this important problem. Through the Skills Academy activity, all of the 34 participants presented to the rest of their groups a new skill, thus enabling each participants to learn 33 new skills. The Social Media Academy, Personal Development Academy, Social Media Campaign activities introduced the social media tools that the participants can use in order to improve their professional lives. Furthermore, through the provision of real-life examples and simulations, the participants learned how to use social media tools in order to obtain funding for their projects and ideas. Through the exchange of ideas and the program introduced by the trainer team, the participants gained a wide range of knowledge and skills on how to effectively use social media. Through the Photo Safari, Intercultural Nights and City Tour activities, the participants had the opportunity to discover the similarities and differences between the cultures of the participating countries. Through learning the dances, food and music of different cultures, the participants moved a step forward with regards to their intercultural learning. Furthermore, as the participants analysed a social problem, the solutions that they produced caused them to develop their European Citizenship and European awareness. After the end of each of the project activities, all the participants, trainers and Mentor volunteers, took part in an ?Evaluation Activity?. Through this activity, the learning outcomes and results of each activity were discussed and noted down. Furthermore, through this personal reflection activity, the participants had the opportunity to comment on the extent to which they felt active and included during the completed activity. In addition, daily reports were sent to all partner organisations, in order to enable them to evaluate the activities on a daily basis. Our main objective, to have a positive impact on the awareness of the participants on the topic of youth unemployment has been met. The participants have been given the capacity and have been encouraged to carry on working and to come up with sustainable solutions on the issue of unemployment, which is currently one of the biggest problems that youth and the world in general is facing. In collaboration with our partners, we have organized local seminars during which the project?s tangible results, the project?s content and results were presented. In this way, we provided the chance to the local youth in the 8 participating countries to develop their knowledge and skills on our project?s topic. In addition, the participants have created an online network on the topic of Social Media and Youth Employment, through which volunteers and youth workers on this issue have the chance to exchange knowledge, ideas and information. All of our partners and volunteers will carry out advertising campaigns and future projects on the topic of social media and youth employment.
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7 Partners Participants