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Skills + Mobility + Activity + Reality + Training
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project SMART - Skills + Mobility + Activity + Reality + Training organized by Kolping-Bildungswerk Württemberg e. V. (KBW) is dedicated to vocational students of the Kolping-Training-Center of Foreign languages. The vocational study program includes an intensive preparation in Germany as well as a vocational course of 14 days in Spain. Project partner in Spain is EFEM Centro Alemán de Formación Profesional in Málaga.Background:The prospective economic assistants get a predominantly theoretical education at the vocational school in Germany. In order to increase the training quality and improve the employability of the students the education should be complemented with practical experiences acquired abroad. KBW aims at deepening and expanding the present international activities on further training courses and educational centres. Objectives:- Internationalization of the training course "Economic Assistant" of the Kolping-Training-Center of Foreign languages- better professional chances for the participants- personal development of the studentsNumber and profile of the participants:- a total of 45 students of the course "Economic Assistant" of the Kolping-Training-Centers of Foreign languages at the following locations of KBW: Akademie Fellbach, Kolping-Bildungszentrum Riedlingen, Kolping Bildungscampus gGmbH in StuttgartActivities:- practical use of foreign language in Málaga- insight into economy, working life and culture of Spain- solution of vocation related tasks- training of the foreign language at EFEM- insight into companies- final test- cultural eventsProject Management- preparation and planning- organisation of the stay in Spain and of the program in coordination with the partner EFEM- evaluation and report- publication of the outcomesOutcomes:The reports of the participants show their results and personal development during their experience abroad. Further results are increased competences of the participants in the area of foreign languages and intercultural affairs. By improved educational results and practical experience, their profiles get more attractive for future employers. They get in contact with companies in Spain which may be important for their future job search. The collaboration with the cooperation partner in Spain enables further mobility and other EU projects.Effect and long-term benefit:- better professional chances of the future "Economic Assistants" for their entry into the workforce and their future professional life- personal development of the participants- internationalization of the training course and the educational offers of KBW- extension of the activities of the partner EFEM Málaga- extension and strengthening of the internationalization of the dual vocational training offers in Germany and Europe- deepening of the common European spirit

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