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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SINDBAD and TRANSDUAL are mobility programme for trainees. The programmes are being conducted by sequa and commenced operation in September 2008. SINDBAD is an European Mobility Programme for trainees; TRANSDUAL is a Mobility Programmes for trainees who intend to untertake practical and theoretical learning either in Madrid, Paris or London. Soft skills like mobility, flexibility, tolerance and capacity for teamwork become increasingly important in the labour markets. The programmes' targets are to supporting the development of these soft skills. SINDBAD and TRANDUAL targets are to gain professional experience on international level. SINDBAD and TRANSDUAL are being funded by the LEONARDO DA VINCI programme. LEONARDO DA VINCI, itself, is the non-academic mobility programme within the LIFE LONG LEARNING Programme (LLP) of the European Commission. sequa´s role is to file the application and to administrate the funds. 484 mobility flows shall be implemented in the project period 2014 - 2016. Mobility of Vocational & Educational Institutions and Trainers (move-it) is sequa’s mobility programme dedicated to the vocational education and training professionals. Since June 2012 the programme is conducted by sequa in cooperaton with partner organisations. move-it is financed by "VETPRO - Vocational Education and Training Professionals", a sub-programme of the European Commission’s Leonardo-da-Vinci programme. 108 mobility flows shall be implemented in the project period 2014- 2016. Both mobility programmes are “pool projects” and the respective flows for participants are published nationwide and accessible for anyone who fulfills the application criteria. Thereby individuals whose trade training institution has not applied for mobility projects do also have the possibility to participate in the EU Erasmus+ programme

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