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SET - Self-Entrepreneurship training for Trainers
Start date: Nov 1, 2007,

The SET project is set within the European policy background that entrepreneurshipshould be learned throughout the education and training system and the educationsystems should contribute to facilitating the acquisition of skills needed to set up and runa business. The inadequacy or complete lack of a training offer specifically addressed totrain trainers on how to introduce the entrepreneurship concept in non-formal or informaltraining pathways, represents an important issue to be analysed. The SET projectcontributes entrepreneurship education by identifying trainer's requirements and bestpractices; by providing the necessary skills for entrepreneurship; by increasingawareness of entrepreneurship as a career opportunity.The project aims at identifying and validate a new methodology to apply in a trainingcourse addressed to trainers specialised in business (self-entrepreneurship), in order toimprove the availability and quality of European training courses. To this end projectactivities will includeanalysis of the target requirements; comparative analyses and best practices exchangebetween partners about projects and existing training pathways on selfentrepreneurshipin ten countries; interviews with entrepreneurs in each partner country;validation of non-formal and informal pathways for adult Education on the specific topicof self-entrepreneurship; definition and validation of a new methodology for a trainingcourse on self-entrepreneurship taking into account the validation of a set ofmanagement competencies; testing of the training course in the UK; two in-servicetraining courses offered at European level (IT and SLO); dissemination materials andProject web site.
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Project Website

9 Partners Participants