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SEE IT - GET IT - DO IT Conservation Camp Erfurt 2016
Start date: May 16, 2016, End date: Sep 15, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

See it – Get it – Do it – Conversation Camp Erfurt 25.6. – 2.7.2016We’re going to connect the English, Lithuanian and German Youth for one week at our camping trip. There will be 35 Youngsters between the age of 16 to 23 of different youth organizations with good English skills. We will be staying at a tent camp surrounded by nature, where we’ll be able to explore the greenery, learn about the state of our world, inspect the differences and similarities in our lifestyles and figure out solutions on how to live a sustainable life together.Project objectives:a) Our main goal is to realize that our Earth exists only once and that all our resources are limited. The participants are going to concern themselves with the way our international merchandise control wastes our resources, so that they will understand that a sustainable lifestyle is necessary if we want to preserve Earth for future generations.b) Our second aim is to discuss and work out practical ideas on how to live a sustainable life. Some incentives are going to be given, some should be worked out by the participants themselves and are then supposed to be documented.c) A sub-goal is to reach the conclusion that the conservation of nature and our natural resources is an issue that concerns all the people of the world. The effort of only a few single nations is merely going to shift the problems some place else instead of permanently solving them. Only a joint effort by the global community will achieve this.d) Our second sub-goal is to establish a cross-cultural communication between the participants by focusing on our similarities while also not disregarding our cultural differences.We're going to organize this activity as an international youth exchange at a tent camp in the forest “Steigerwald” (near Erfurt) since there have already been partnerships between national youth groups for years. This camp will take place during the Thuringian summer holidays so that the German youth can participate without a problem.The result should be to give the participants a broader worldview instead of only thinking nationally when looking into environmental protection measures. We hope that these steps will give young people an incentive to live a more sustainable life and to make them realize their responsibilities in shaping a pluralistic society. A long term use also lies in the strengthening of our participants identities as well as their personal development while interacting with different young people of various origins (soft skills, intercultural learning).

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