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School Culture Innovation Education Never Can End
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project SCIENCE is born on the basis of previous projects, always in LLP-Leonardo da Vinci IVT contest, made by the Sarrocchi, and this year it involves all professional profiles of the school (chemical thecnician; construction technician; electronic technician; computing technician; mechanical and mechatronic technician) because of the widespread interest in the mobility proposed in previous school years. It has been developed by the school and matured in the context of Siena area, which has seen in the recent years a deep economic and social development, but also in a European context..The project will contribute to meet the needs of various actors, physical and legal, of the local territory in general: the students of the Institute, many companies in the sectors related to these areas of study, education institutions, public bodies responsible for economic development, education and connection to school and work. The basic need is to train a new generation of experts (connected to the above mentioned profiles), in order to possess the skills needed because of the rapid evolution of technology (including the UE key competence of the language, personal growth, transversal abilities and the professional skills ...) . Therefore we believe that the participants would get concrete answers to the need to update, professionalization, improvment of skills and operational capabilities, through an international internship. More specifically, the aims of the participants, will focus on the acquisition/improvemento of: - skills related to the professional profile (different for each profile) - language and UE key competences (same for all the profiles) - transnversal (same for all the profiles) Objectives of the promoter and the partnership are: - to increase the quality of training - to expand and improve the skills of their students - to make students more employable- to connect the world of school to work in order to meet the needs of the local and European market. - to promote the use of ECVET tools in the recognition of mobility experiences Expected results include increased training and employability of the participants, an increased efficiency of company partners who may have qualified and updated staff, an improvement of the courses offered by the Institute Sarrocchi in terms of quality and European dimension. The participants will be 70 students (4 with special needs) and 8 accompanying teachers (2 for participants with special needs): The expected flows are as follows: Jan-Feb 2015: Paragon Europe Malta (1 flow): 14 learners Jun-Jul 2015: AIP and Oneco Spagna (2 flows) 14 learners Sep-Oct 2015: ECTARC Galles and InternEurope Belfast (UK) (2 flows)14 + 14 learners Jun-Jul 2016: Globtrain Berlino (D) (1 flow) 14 learners. The project will have a total duration of 24 months. Project partners are: public entities, SME connected to the sectors of the projects, vocational trainingn institutes. For project management Sarrocchi the Institute, in its fifth experience of project management LLP-Leonardo da Vinci IVT will use its tools and instruments of T-TACTIC@SCOOL manual for the management of international internships for schools.

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