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SAWMILL training
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The EPLEFPA 76, and more particularly one of its centers, the Lycée des Métiers du bois et de l’éco-construction, supports this project. It deals with: the production / wood construction classification. Our partner for this project is a Swedish high school: Munkagårdsgymnasiet, located in the Hallands county, in Tvååker. We are already working with this partner for another European project (KA2). There is a logical tie between forestry, sawmill techniques and wood construction: forest has to produce quality woods, sawmill has to saw and above all classify it mechanically (its mechanical resistance has to be determined according to European standards) and wood construction has to measure and calculate wood pieces according to these mechanical classifications. We noticed that this field is inadequately taught in France although it would be greatly useful for favoring or students’ employment. Our partner in Sweden is more competent and specialist in this field, much more than France. Moreover, we observed that our students find it difficult to leave their region (for instance, for training periods) and to open to others. By presenting this project, the aim of our high school is to increase/improve teachers and students professional and linguistic skills and to arise a European citizenship in their mind. This aim will be reached thanks to :- staff and students mobilities, organized for training sessions in Sweden and for preparing the second step of the project.- students mobilities, organized for training periods in Sweden.Reciprocity is also foreseen with Sweden to train their staff to our Normand special feature: production and standing development of our broadleaved tree sawing. This project lies within the scope of a European developing project of our centers, agreed by the academic authorities, and within European projects (Comenius, Erasmus +, KA1, KA2 …) that are still in the process. It also aims at strengthening links between partners for future projects. Internal and external disseminations are foreseen to inform students, families, staff, professionals and institutions. Management skills, existing already in our high school, will allow a better supervision and evaluation of this project. We do believe that this project will achieve its aims :- pedagogical and technical innovations through teachers skills improvement (professional and linguistic skills)- more job opportunities for students by increasing their professional and linguistic skills- appearance of a European citizenship for all the project participants- emergence of an open-mindedness- development of an intellectual interest- adaptability to different way of life and working habitsWe believe as well that this project will manage to carry out all the impacts related to its aims.
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