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Reinforcement of Veterinary Studies in Asian Universities
Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ReVET is a Project involving 14 HEIs (4 European and 10 Asian) with the main aim to contribute to the promotion, strengthening and capacity building of veterinary studies in Asian partners Universities using the European “know-how”. The main basis of the present proposal is transferring and sharing the experience in the veterinary field from Europe to Asia and from Asia to Europe. The entire partnership will work together building and reinforcing curriculum and all the teaching material needed for a high quality standard veterinary college to be implemented in Asian partner countries. The proposal strategy is as follows; firstly, an infield study of the situation will give to the project a faithful idea of the state of the art. Secondly, this information will be up-loaded and shared on the ReVET platform. New curriculums will be designed by EU and Asian academic staff; Asian teachers will receive a training of trainers in Europe (at the same time they will share their experience throughout open-day talks and lectures in the European HEIs). Third, all teaching materials needed, will be generated by European and Asian teachers. Last, but not least, the new curriculum will be implemented in the third year of the project. The impact of the project will be as a cascade: the instruction of the veterinary student is reinforced, thus skills will be improved, as the results of the improvement, the livestock production and welfare will be most favourable alleviating hunger and a better control of food safety. Finally zoonotic outbreaks will be reduced contributing to an overall impact for the world.

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13 Partners Participants