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Redirecting Urban areas development towards Sustainable Energy (RUSE)
Start date: Mar 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The RUSE operation has the following main objectives: firstly, to create a stronger link between urban development and sustainable energy issues; secondly, to influence the improved use of Structural Funds at national, regional and local levels; and lastly, to create and stimulate the reflex in different bodies and in cities to integrate energy issues as widely as possible in urban development. Achievements: Achievements so far The 'RUSE' operation aimed at 'Redirecting Urban areas development towards Sustainable Energy' and its overall objective was to improve the use of Structural Funds and other financial resources in urban projects of at least 5 NMS, progressing towards a better integration of sustainable energy issues in their projects, based on improving capacity building in collective structures (city networks, agencies) and individual bodies (municipalities). From 15/03/04 to 31/12/07 work was conducted within all of the RUSE operation's 5 components. The main activities consisted in management and coordination tasks (C1), creating and updating the 6 languages website and communication tools and materials (C2), preparing and organising a series of networking events enabling all partners to gain experience from each other other (C3), selecting, preparing and publishing 20 existing GPs as well as 55 new ones from the NMS and TC (C4), developing supporting activities towards the municipalities (C5). The main results achieved by each component are summarised below: -C1: The coordination has been achieved in assisting all partners in their own administrative and financial tasks (including for the progress reports and the audits of their expenses) but also in providing methodology for financial monitoring. -C2: All the communication tools have been released while the website ( was regularly updated and will run for 2 more years including in the 6 national versions. -C3: In total, 7 Joint Seminars, 5 Study Tours, 3 Hosting Staff events and 1 final workshop have enabled the NMS partners to gain knowledge and experience both on the Structural Funds and from the EU-15 City partners' practical know-how. -C4: 20 existing good practices are available on the webiste as well as 55 new case studies have been prepared and published in up to 6 languages for a total of 461 case studies now available on line. -C5: Activities to support the NMS municipalities have been going on during the entire RUSE operation through the participation in national and European conferences, the organisation of national workshops and through the setting up and running of national help desks which will be maintained after the closure of the RUSE operation. Eight Steering Group meetings have been organised to coordinate the entire RUSE operation with each partner in charge of a component presenting the activities which had been achieved as well as those under implementation and those scheduled for the next period. The 8th SG meeting, organised in Paris (FR) on 22-23 November 2007, has followed the same and successful methodology that was applied in the previous meetings i.e. the agenda was divided into working group sessions thus enabling a better involvement of all partners in solving the last remaining difficulties and taking the last decisions to ensure a satisfactory implementation of the RUSE operation.
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  • 56.9%   882 041,38
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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17 Partners Participants