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Qualificação e cidadania europeia pela mobilidade
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ETIC - Technical School of Image and Communication and its school EPI - School of Professional Image, offer courses of various types , providing secondary education and certificate level 4 qualification or recognized by DGERT , inserted in the fields of communication, design , sound, production , art , video, photography and animation , part of the Creative Industries , developing sectors with great potential for growth, as representing very high values in economic terms . The relation connecting the school and the labor market is a key to quality training process that responds effectively to the needs of the market place students in professional experience in business process is a facilitator of integration of students into the labor market and which has to be improved and enhanced . Youth unemployment is very high in Portugal, higher than the European average, with a high number of young people not in education nor in the labor market and a large percentage of young people who do not complete secondary education . These data , reported in numerous studies , led to an European strategy for the development , the 2020 Strategy sets the goals that the E.U. and EU countries should fulfill. This 2-year project aims to contribute to give answers to these situations through several actions and activities that are intended either to teachers or students . So that the relationship between the school and business is based on efficient processes and quality , it is necessary that all the parties know each other . It is intended that the teachers and the rest of the School Staff traveling to partner schools who teach similar training , learn different methodologies used by the participating organisations and what can be considered good practice since they have very positive results and , from this analysis , propose amendments to the training model in the work place . Thus , sending the 9 elements of Staff school in each school year is planned . These actions will be planned , when possible , to coincide with the period of the internship students mobility, thereby making it up for students . Some of the partners of this project are implemented with positive results , processes for monitoring based on " Mentoring" Students who want to study and adapt for use in preventing school dropout . Another target group of this project are the final year students of professional courses level 4 , for the realization of his traineeship under Training at Work, integrated into the curriculum of the course , following all the educational requirements for its implementation and evaluation . The partner schools will welcome the students and have the responsibility of the training perido implementation , agreed through MOU s established, providing the use of mechanisms provided by the ECVET for its recognition and legal certification provided for these courses . Internships are 10 weeks with a first phase of integration and language training (2 weeks) followed by integration into a production dteam or company with activity in their area of students training . We are planning 15 internships each academic year of project duration . The monitoring of students will be made by school teachers in specific visit for follow-up ( 3 in each academic year) , other cases can be performed simultaneously with the mobility of teachers . The newly graduate students are the third group of participants , the goal is the realization of a traineeship lasting 13 weeks, in which during the first two weeks they will attend language training and the remaining will be integrated in work teams in a company with activity in its training area. 25 apprenticeships are provided in each school year with a selection criterion that recognizes the merit of the students during their training in school , working by " invitation " from graduate students of all courses taught in school , whether secondary level 4 or post secondary. Objectives to be achieved are : Adopt new processes and implementation methodologies of training in the workplace , promoting the link between schools and companies, and implement a monitoring process to prevent students ldrop out , based on the " Mentoring" model; Place students in situations of practical application of knowledge acquired in training traineeship adopting mechanisms of recognition and validation ; Place the newly graduates in a situation of real professional performance promoting their ability to integrate into the labor market, develop language skills , in particular the English as a working language , and initiation of another language , the host country language.
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13 Partners Participants