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Promoting African – European Research Infrastructure Partnerships (PAERIP)
Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The project will create a dedicated initiative to promote research infrastructure partnerships between Europe and Africa. There is currently significant political attention on promoting science and technology partnerships between the European Union and Africa. The Joint Africa-European Union (EU) Strategy, adopted by Heads of Government at the December 2007 Lisbon Summit, notably includes a dedicated Science, Information Society and Space initiative. Several collaborative efforts are currently being implemented under this Partnership, with the support of the African Union Commission, the European Commission and African and European Union Member States. None of these initiatives are, however, specifically addressing research infrastructures. The “Promoting African European Research Infrastructure Partnerships” (PAERIP) proposal is specifically focused on addressing this void notably by undertaking a series of relevant studies, which will inform the organisation of policy dialogue and cooperation promotion events."

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