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Project applications: Deaf perspective and successful writing
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the introduction of the new Erasmus+ programme, the Youth Agencies in the EU have organised a lot of different informative sessions to inform organisations about the advantages of the Erasmsus+ and about the new application process. As a national sign language is the first language for many Deaf young persons, they have been excluded from this kind of activities. A sign language interpreter cannot be utilised every time a Deaf young person ask about it. With the experience the European Union of the Deaf Youth (EUDY) has gained in project funding from the Erasmus+ programme and the European Youth Foundation, EUDY would like to take up this opportunity to develop a project training for its Full Members, by allowing sending their youth workers and/or board members who are working for their respective organisations to keep it running. By participating in this training, the youth workers will get the opportunity to learn more about the Erasmus+ opportunities and also to learn more about project applications. Deaf people will receive tips, tools and experience from other participants to make a successful project application. Participants will share experiences and build different tools to develop a toolkit for other Deaf young persons to be able to write an application. The participants will address an actual issue from their own communities to make a draft project application, after which they will be able to work out the actual application, which hopefully leads to a successful grant.At the same time the participants will get acquainted with Maltese culture, which happens too few because the Maltese islands are situated somewhat remotely from Europe and Deaf people don't go to Malta that often. The Deaf People Association of Malta will be responsible to ensure the participants are packing their baggage full with Maltese habits and distinctivenesses.
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