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Profilierung der Schule unter Berücksichtigung demokratischer Bildungsprozesse
Start date: Aug 18, 2014, End date: Aug 17, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the three-tier school system on secondary school level in the Principality of Liechtenstein the Oberschule Eschen takes care of many students with learning difficulties and behavioural challenges. The quota of students coming from educationally deprived families and/or families with migration background is very high. According to this the number of at risk students is also very high. The teacher’s team of the Oberschule Eschen wants its school to distinguish itself in the fields of film, theatre, literature, and New Media. In the past three years internationally successful filming- dancing-, and theatre projects were conducted. In the future film, theatre, literature, and New Media will be offered in optional and elective subjects, project work, and cross-curricular teaching units. Among the teachers of the OSE there are already some with experiences in acting, filming, video-art, and poetry slamming. Over the next two years with the help of further education all teachers should be enabled to actively offer classes in the described fields. Apart from that schools which have already successfully implemented film, theatre, literature, and New Media will be visited. It is the goal to find schools to engage in partnerships in the future.
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