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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Pontevedra Provincial Council does not hesitate when it comes to promoting measures that develop employment and entrepreneurship, through the broadcasting of job placement programmes. Nevertheless, we find unmotivated young people, with difficulty in accessing the labour market, with little or no knowledge of a second language, with little knowledge of and experience in ICT and whose concerns revolve around issues such as education, housing, employment and health. On the opposite side, we find that companies in the province demand increasingly prepared young people, as a result of innovation in different sectors internationally.To help boost the economy of the province, the Provincial Government has formed a consortium with 29 Vocational Education Training schools, which will offer 116 newly qualified young people in a middle level cycle of one of these centres, and those aged above 18, the possibility of working practices for 6 months in a European company. Participants must return from their mobilities before 12 months has passed since obtaining their degree. International internships are not part of the FCT (training in work placement in Spain) but they will mean added value to the training in work placement previously done in companies in the province.Participants will take part in a linguistic training activity through the online tool "OLS" made available to the Programme for English, Italian and Dutch. For participants travelling to Portugal and Finland, a two-week intensive course in Portuguese or Finnish will be held on arrival, running concurrently with internships during the first two weeks of stay. The project also provides for the mobility of 5 teachers who have shown interest in job shadowing in an EU country. Staff mobility will last for 5 days for teachers going to Ireland, Italy, Germany and Malta, and 10 days for teachers going to Finland. The practices consist in visiting training centres similar to integrated vocational training centres in Galicia, in order to learn the teaching methods used in the destination country’s training.The Consortium is formed by: - The City Council - Integrated Vocational Training Centre A Granxa- Centre for Art and Design "Atlantic"- Training and Experimentation Centre Agroforestry Lourizan- Centre for Teacher Education Divine Vigo- CPR Daniel Castelao- A Cancela Association EFA- IES A Guide- IES Chan Do Monte- IES Chapela- IES Rodeira- IES Laxeiro- IES Framework Camballón- IES Pedra da Auga- IES Pintor Colmeiro- Multilingual IES A Paralaia- IES Ramón Cabanillas- IES Ramon Maria Aller Ulloa- IES Ricardo Mella- IES Salvaterra de Miño- IES Tomino- IES Vilalonga (Sanxenxo)- Galician Institute for Aquaculture Training (IGAFA)- IES Luis Seoane- IES Montecelo- CPR San Miguel- IES Polytechnic Vigo- IES A Xunqueira I- Multilingual IES Terra Turonio- Maritime Polytechnic Institute Pesqueiro do Atlantico in VigoDestination countries and distribution of grants will be organised as follows: United Kingdom (25), Ireland (20), Italy (30), Malta (10), Portugal (10), Finland (6) and the Netherlands (15). With regard to teachers, staff mobility will be held in Finland (1), Malta (1), Germany (1), Italy (1) and Ireland (1).The specific objectives of PRACTICUM DEPO 2016 are:- Accelerate the participants’ transition from education to the labour market.- Facilitating the acquisition of professional experience at international levels.- Increase knowledge and innovative entrepreneurship in the participants.- Encourage the practice and improvement of a second language and obtain technical vocabulary of the participant’s professional sector.- Foster synergies between education and labour.- Develop skills and knowledge to improve their competencies and skills for any job, project or situation.- Implement the concept of European citizenship and awareness of the importance of international mobility to create generations who are free and respectful of other cultures and societies.Similarly, youth and teachers consolidate new expertise in key skills in their speciality; they will achieve greater autonomy and a range of transferable skills that will benefit them in their work and personal future.Finally, it is important to add that PRACTICUM DEPO 2016 will generate staff who are more qualified, with integrity and, therefore, confident in their possibilities, promoting employment and contributing to the promotion and sustainability of the Erasmsus + programme.

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