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Πολιτισμός : Παράδοση και Τεχνολογία στις Τέχνες και τα Γράμματα
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at a school orientated towards culture and art, especially in music. It has existed since the foundation of the school and year by year it becomes more and more orientated and clearer. We envisage a school which will function as a cultural cell in the local community, will interfere actively in culture, will train students with numerous interests and open horizons and will constantly look for the interactions between humanities and arts with the society, with the past of their place of origin and with the other folks and countries. The aims of the projects briefly are: 1. A scientific teaching of every subject (general and musical education) individually and in relation with each other. 2. Relation of the music with the other arts and knowledge fields (Science and Literature). 3. Reference to the past of Crete and Greece and noting down of the oral traditions which are endangered to be extinct though modern technology. 4. Connection of the musical landscape of Crete with the musical landscapes of other places and people. 5. Getting the know-how about teaching research and the organization of different activities. 6. Cooperation with other musical schools, training organizations, organizations of literature and arts in other European cities, exchange of visits, information , co-acting of musical ensembles etc. In the project will participate teachers of the school of different fields, more specifically Music teachers, Greek, English and French Language and Literature teachers and Maths teachers. Beyond their specific teaching interests, the additional fields of their personal research include Ancient Greek Drama, Theatre Play, Music Technology, Artistic Creation from the aspect of the cultural activity and the relation between natural sciences and music. The activities include seminars providing further education in different European cities, not only metropolises but also regional cities, thus giving the participants the opportunity to come into contact with different local cultures, which they are eventually proved to present impressive similarities, visits to other music schools, so that information and points of view can be exchanged. Furthermore, training about new technology, sound, sound recording, digitization of archive, connection of music with the other arts and sciences, seminars about organizing performances, cross subject activities focusing on the interaction between arts and the natural environment, activities related to a common European past and the orientation to a common European future, could also be exchanged. The methodology differs according to the specialization. Nevertheless, the common point of reference is training through different types of seminars and activities, using multimedia and teaching and the cross subject approach of the teaching subjects. The expected results after these activities are first of all the change in the school curriculum. With extroversion and self confidence the school will be able to organize activities and performances with better know-how, overcoming the practical obstacles and bringing in practice the ideas and programs more effectively .The lessons will be more interesting with the use of innovative methods and cross subject approach .The oral musical tradition will be preserved properly and responsibly. The subject of the musical ensembles, which reflects the school, will gain further perspective because of its connection to a broader context. The impact on the local and international educational community will be immediately obvious, as classes will become more cheerful, while deeper and wider in knowledge, School will promote culture and will be able to participate in European motilities and broaden its horizons. In the long run, the benefit of this training will be attracting pupils to such a vivid and creative school. The youngsters will be enabled to deal with music and art, as a vital part of the creative process in the local and global civilization. Thus the training of the future citizens will be enhanced in quantity, knowledge and vision.
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