Search for European Projects

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Pôle Emploi is a public institution which has for main mission the placement of jobseekers and takes into account European and national priorities in terms of long-term unemployment. Since 1995, Pôle Emploi in Low Normandy, which aims to participate in the employability of job seekers, engages the part of employment at European level by providing support for people in their project European mobility and ensuring the promotion of European programs. The international employment center manages the Leonardo program for 20 years and Erasmus Programme since 2014 towards jobseekers which allowed him to build a large network of partners and companies. The experience in a European company for job seekers is a major asset for regional companies and allows them to have a different perspective on their practices and organization. Candidates were able to develop real language skills but also gain work experience abroad. Thes both objectives corresponded with those described before departure. This experience has allowed them to be in total immersion in a foreign country and thereby demonstrate various capabilities such as adaptation, autonomy, language and professional. This gain, both from a personal point of view that professional is undoubtedly beneficial for quick insertion at the end of the program. For the action 2014-2016, 72 candidates were selected to benefit from the program. All followed the program in Germany; Ireland, Spain, Great Britain (Portsmouth and London) in Italy and Malta of 9 weeks on average. This program,designed to boost the integration of persons in employment, promote integration and fight discrimination. It has been proven in previous years the European mobility programs contribute to the fight against unemployment. Indeed, the employability rate to program outcome is still above 70%.

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