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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

REFERENCE: 564530-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB_PlantHeTITLE: Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems, PlantHeObjectiveThe Joint Master degree Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems (PlantHe) is proposed by four European countries (France, Germany, Italy and Spain) and represents a fully integrated, globally competitive programme with the objective to educate students to be able to master new developments and technologies in plant health management.In view of the constantly decreasing land available for agricultural food production and the increasing world population yield stabilization and increase has to be ensured, which will only be possible with an inventive plant health management which, while protecting the environment, reducing emissions and biodiversity loss, will secure crop production. Course durationTwo years (120 ECTS credits).Brief descriptionThe programme is managed by a consortium including 6 HEIs, namely Montpellier SupAgro, Agrocampus Ouest, AgroParis Tech (FR), University of Göttingen (DE), University of Padova (IT) and Universitat Politècnica de València (ES) as well as associated partners from worldwide universities, research institutes and industry with an ample experience in applied crop protection.The study program of the first year is offered with similar contents by the University of Göttingen or the Universitat Politècnica de València and provides a complete range of knowledge in biology and agronomy necessary to understand crop production systems and manage crop protection. Each partner university offers a second year training track (30 ECTS credits) on plant health applied to specific cropping systems and temperate field crops, Mediterranean crops, forestry and perennial crops and tropical crops. The last semester is devoted to the preparation of the master's thesis, which can be either professionally or research oriented.The program aims at 1) training professionals in the basic and advanced aspects of plant health management in a diversity of crop production systems following the principles of sustainability; 2) exposing students and scholars to the different realities of crop production systems and available environmental friendly means of crop protection according to regional specificities; 3) building a network of EU and non-EU stakeholders in the field of sustainable plant health management, linking higher education institutions, research centres and industries and 4) exchanging best practices among students and academic staff, teaching methods, academic resources, and developing common academic and organization standards.Career prospectsResearch partners are a factor of employability for PlantHe students, since they host students during their master's thesis, provide career opportunities and ensure the quality, sustainability and promotion of the program. These aspects guarantee the employability for the students, as well as an increased sense of initiative, entrepreneurship and self-esteem. Graduates can expect multiple national and international job opportunities at a M.Sc. level in private and public institutions.An international experiencePlantHe students have the opportunity to study in an international environment with students from all over the world and to collaborate with international associated partners for their research or academic projects. Courses are taught in English during the first year and in French and English during the second year.DiplomaPlantHe students are awarded a double master's degree issued by the two universities chosen by each of the students.Website

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