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Per una scuola internazionale e all'avanguardia
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was born in a technical vocational school situated in a region in the south of Italy characterized by a per capita income below average, high levels of youth unemployment, early school leavers and NEETs, that is young people who are not in education, employment or training. In this context the project, which foresees the participation of a great number of teachers, as well as the headmaster and the administrative clerk in training activities abroad – structured courses and job shadowing – aims at the following goals: - support the professional growth of teachers, improving their capacity to work in team and experiment innovative didactic methodologies by integrating new technologies; - support the social function of school, which has to qualify itself more and more as a “civic centre”, open to the requests and educational needs of its territory; - experiment new didactic methods based upon the active leading role of students, able to strengthen their motivation to study, especially for those students showing a low motivational coefficient and for drop-outs; - surpass the old information-based didactics and the transmissive teaching approach; - acquire foreign language competences that can be successfully used in the creation of structured didactic CLIL modules, in order to teach in English at least one non-linguistic subject in the classes of the last three years of our school; - increase competences in English language of the teachers of non-linguistic subjects, especially those teaching the specific subject of a branch, like Economics, Mechanics, Law, etc. - spread and implement the good practices observed abroad. 30 teachers will participate in the activities, as well as the headmaster and the administrative clerk. Some teachers will take part in a job shadowing experience lasting one week in Finland, in order to observe good didactic and organisational practices, transfer and implement them, after providing some adjustments, in our school. During the development of each phase of the project active methodologies like cooperative work, observation and reflection on the good practices will be preferred. At the completion of the training course, participants are supposed to achieve the following results: - work in groups, starting the configuration of the group of teachers following the example of the most advanced communities of practices; - propose to the students active training modules, provided with a high motivational potential, with an aware use of technology and of the most modern motivational strategies; - developing training paths able to encourage Early school leavers – those who have dropped out of school before gaining an upper secondary qualification – to return to school, starting a stable process for the validation of competences acquired in formal and informal contexts; - manage in a balanced way conflict situation in the classroom and in the school community (teachers, headmaster, school personnel, families, other stakeholders of the territory); - build CLIL educational modules to be inserted permanently in the curriculum, at least for the terminal classes of our school; - acquire the culture of an educational documentation and the patrimonialization of the “good practices”; Impact on territory: - availability of more qualified workers who could, somehow, start the process of overcoming the non-congruence between the competences required by companies and those possessed by young graduated after leaving schools; - reduction of the rate of failure and drop-outs; - improvement of the competence level of students observed through INVALSI tests and international OCSE – PISA tests. Long-term benefits: - availability of highly qualified teachers, able to design personal paths which can respond to the educational needs of the students; - strengthening of a community of reflective professionals at school; - greater inclination of teachers to research and methodological and didactic innovation.

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