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Pädagogischer Aufenthalt Estland/Hospitationspraktikum Spanien
Start date: Sep 12, 2016, End date: Sep 11, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The more one opens oneself to the European beliefs, the more all institutions and students profit from the experience and all participants will receive more opportunities.Goals:getting to know potentially new project partnersexchange in methodology, pedagogy, didacticscultural and creative exchangemutual discovery of 2 new cultures forming effective connectionsconcrete realisation of European projectsParticipants:1st participant:I have been teaching English and French for 30 years both at BG Perchtoldsdorf and at an adult education centre where I have been giving conversation lessons in French. Furthermore, I have been holding seminars for didactics on various occasions (UP Franz, consortium of French teachers, seminars for colleagues, Verband der Wiener Volksbildung). I hold the ECHA diploma and organise and hold pull-out courses for the highly skilled. At my school I was responsible for the implementation of the DELF and the European Language Portfolio. I am always interested, on the one hand, in getting to know new teaching methods and educational structures and to pass on my varied teaching experience which I acquired in my many years of teaching in Austria and abroad and my advanced training courses on the other hand. I am also looking forward to exchange information with colleagues from another pedagogical background.My strengths are a great enthusiasm for learning, my openness, reliability and I have great communication skills, which I used in the past for my cultural and pedagogical commitment at my school. I organise language exchanges and theatre workshops. Two basic principles of my educational understanding are to encourage the students to work on their own and to use their strengths to get them to perform better.The goals of my stay in Estonia should be the enhancement of European beliefs, the establishment of a lasting relationship with Estonia and the quality intensification at my school in terms of project management and exchange programmes on a European basis.2nd participant:I have been teaching English and Spanish for eight years at BG/BRG Perchtoldsdorf and during my years at a student at university I gave tutoring lessons in languages and dyslexia. I studied in Madrid at the Universidad de Complutense for one year and was able to experience the Spanisch lifestyle through sharing a flat with a Spanish student. I am positive that by observing classes and teaching German at a Spanish school I will receive a deeper inside into a very important aspect of Spanish culture, the educational system, and will then be able to tell my students in Austria about this first-hand experience.I am very a flexible, open-minded, communicative, reliable and persistent person and could prove these skills in various cultural and pedagogical events at my school. I organised various language trips abroad and worked on theatrical performances with my students. In my lessons I prefer teaching with music and film because for me these two art forms say a lot about a country and its population and culture. I am always looking for new releases and encourage my students to bring songs, films and books to class (show&tell). Another key factor for getting to know another culture is by getting to know typical food. Cooking and preparing typical English/Spanisch dishes are also an important element in my lessons. It would give me immense pleasure and would be a great honour to show Spanish students parts of my culture (music, food, dances etc.). I hope that I could then motivate and interest them to get to know the Austrian culture and language better. I am also curious about what a typical Spanish schoolday loos like and I am very much looking forward to exchanging information with my Spanish colleagues on the educational system and their pedagodical methods. Another big goal would be to iniciate a school exchange to support the European beliefs at my school.

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