Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3
Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2018
Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3 (OPSM 3) is a two-year project. 77 students at Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (Raseko) perform their 2 - 9 weeks work-based-learning period abroad. Host organisations are from Spain, Great Britain, Norway, Germany, Malta, Sweden and Iceland. There are 32 accompanying persons from which 16 is responsible teacher for student's training periods, 4 special needs teacher and 4 company work instructors who guide workplace supervisors, test ECVET system, assess skills demonstrations and support partictpants during the process. Additionally we are applying 4 mobilities in teacher/training assignment for foreign lecturers from partner companies.Participants study vocational basic, further and special qualifications. They practise their professional skills and some basic vocational qualification student will perform a vocational skills demonstration abroad. OPSM 3 continues OPSM 1 and 2 projects where students has performed several work-based-learning period abroad and tested skill demonstartions. Raseko will continue testing skill demonstartion abroad in this new OPSM 3 project and the learning outcomes will be evaluated based on ECVET principals (knowledge, skill, competence and life long learning) by the work instructor, student him/herself and responsible teacher (local and teacher from Raseko). gained non-formal learing will also be recognize into student's studies. We will create for student's own individual study path (international study path) where student can gather these studies as a part of his/her VET degree.During this project Raseko will have ITSLearning e-learning platform for the student's travel, language and cultural trainining and vocational training before the period, mentoring during the period and a report training after the period.In OPSM 3 project Raseko will gain, as an outcome, skills demonstration tasks and procedures which will be used when developing internship periods abroad. Raseko gets information on work practices and work cultures in other countries. Through this project Raseko is able to develop ECVET system with the help of host organisations. Some of our partners we have tested ECVET principals and in this project we will continue this development and we will start discussion with those partners that we have not yet include ECVET into practice.In OPSM 2 project Raseko has already sent adult education students abroad. In OPSM 3 project we will continue this and we put more effort into apprentice students mobility periods abroad. Raseko will also contiue to send special need students abroad for mobility periods as we have done at the previous OPSM 1 and and ongoing OPSM 2 projects. In OPSM 3 Raseko will concentrate on the quality of these special need students mobility periods.Articles in local newspapers, national seminars and national (SOTENET) or international (EREIVET) networks of VET field are the means to disseminate outcomes. Dissemination to world of work is helped by the apprentice student’s sending companies and their feedback. Internet site has information on project, travel stories, seminar material and experiences in skills demonstrations.
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