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OPEN DOORS – for an Open European Society
Start date: Jun 6, 2016, End date: Jun 5, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT "OPEN DOORS" of Fondazione Caritas Senigallia Onlus.The 2 volunteers – between 17 and 30 years old – will live an EVS experience for 12 months (from 08th August 2016 till 07th August 2017) working at 2 shelters managed by Fondazione Caritas Senigallia Onlus . These 2 centres are located in Senigallia, an importantand very nice city in the centre of Italy, on the Adriatic coast. 1. Act. "ME AND MY MUM" hosts women with children or pregnantwomen living in difficult conditions, such as women alone and women victims of violence, for medium-long period. 2. Act. "CENTRODI SOLIDARIETA'" includes a homeless Shelter, temporary accommodation solutions, a listening centre, day hospital and clothing'scollections and distribution. For a better and more enriching EVS experience, volunteers will take Italian classes, which may carry onfor the entire EVS according to volunteer's preference. Volunteers will work 5 days a week, 35 hours in total (included evaluation's,education's meetings and Italian lessons). Occasionally, volunteers may work during weekend, in that case they will have day/s offduring the week.The principal role of the EVS volunteer is to go along marginalized people and people in need during their path to a dignified andsatisfactory life and they will collaborate with FCSO's volunteers and workers in order to offer better and more efficient services.Volunteers will promote solidarity, social inclusion and active citizenship toward community's needs.FCSO is looking for enthusiastic young people, who are eager to learn and enjoy taking initiative and responsibility in the projects.In particular, volunteers should:- have experience or at least interest in the world of voluntarism- have an attitude to socialize and share experiences- be interested and motivate to learn;- have a strong attitude for taking responsibility and working in a team;- have a real interest to work with vulnerable and marginalized people.Main Activities:Activities in which the volunteer will be involved:- acknowledge of the women and their children living in the centres (their timetable, needs, activities etc); help mothers, women andoperators in housekeeping activities and grocery shopping.- The volunteers will also collect and manage the distribution of clothes and shoes.Scholastic support: the volunteers, based on languages need, will help children in doing homework.- Playful activities: the volunteer, together with operators, will design and organize children's free time, through games (alsooutdoor), creative activities (such as painting, singing, acting, playing music etc..). Every child has his/her own individual pathdesigned by the FCS team together with mothers, which can include specific sport activities or other extra scholastic activities, suchas birthday's party, local events etc... These activities are fundamental for the child's social inclusion and for the creation of socialnetwork and the volunteers will support and help children in doing all those kind of activities.- Support to housekeeping activities, such as cooking, prepare pack of supplies, manage clothing collection and distribution; firstwelcome to the users; management of the volunteers' work shifts; meeting with the staff.- users welcoming and registration; support the staff during the activities of the listening centre.Volunteer 'll leave in autonomous flat.The volunteer represents an added value that improves the services provided by operators and volunteers already working onthem.With the Project OPEN DOORS, Fondazione Caritas Senigallia Onlus wants to reach the following Overall objectives:- Education: on the values of solidarity, volunteering through entertainment and information for an active and responsiblecitizenship;- Sharing: with disadvantaged people and other project's participants, promoting human and social rights and going alongmarginalized people during social inclusion processes- Thinking over: own life path, professionally and socially;- Creation: of new encounters, new professional possibilities- Depth analysis of: peace culture, non-violence and solidarity, conflict resolution, reduction and overcoming of the violence, rightsacknowledge.

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