Non-Formal Life
Start date: Aug 29, 2016,
End date: Dec 28, 2017
"Non-Formal Life" is a long term EVS project located in Baile Tusnad, and partially in region. Association VOX Iuventutis will host four volunteers from four countries (Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia) for 11 months. Volunteers are going to help the activities of Saint Anne Youth center which was established by our association with the aim to organize skill developing activities, workshops and organize free time events for local people in different topics. Target group of our activities are mostly children and youngsters of our close region. One important aspect is to prepare, promote and carry out these activities but beside that they are going to help and work on establishing cooperation with local and regional institutions with the aim to develop future international ERASMUS+ projects (youth exchanges, job shadowing, stuff exchanges between institutions). By this project we hope to develop the local community life, we want to bring people closer to each other, we want to bring local organizations and the local government closer to each other and we would like to provide possibilities for all generations to spend their free time in active way, and people to become more active citizens. We are going to pay more attention on foreign language developing (especially English and German) during our regular activities, and within the confines of separately organized regular Language clubs as well.Another important aspect of the project is that we want to develop the online profile of the youth center. Volunteers will help us to maintain a daily updated wordpress site, where we will share articles, reports and short videos about the activities we organize, about the personal side of how our volunteers live as EVS volunteers and about different topics like cultural diversity, volunteering in general, EVS in the local community, local cuisine and many others according to our and our volunteers interest.