Murcia - Management of Hiraaetus fasciatus - Alme.. (Aguila perdicera)
Murcia - Management of Hiraaetus fasciatus - Almenara- Murcia
(Aguila perdicera)
Start date: Jul 1, 2002,
End date: Jun 30, 2006
Given the drastic decline of the Bonelli's Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) population in recent years, this species is in a very precarious situation. One of its best refuges, harbouring three-quarters of the European population, can be found in Spain. The Almenara mountain range (a special protected area), which includes Las Moreras and Cape Cope, in the south of Murcia, offer a very suitable habitat for this typically Mediterranean rupicolous raptor. The SPA features medium-altitude thermophilic mountains and uneven relief and has seven pairs of Bonelli's eagles.
The major threats confronting the species in this territory include the existence of dangerous electric cables and the loss or deterioration of its habitat, mainly caused by intensive agriculture and by urban development projects. Other negative factors include the risk of illegal poisoning, the scarcity of food, caused partly by the intensive hunting of the species it preys upon (mostly rabbits, red-legged partridge and pigeons) and other forms of competition with humans for the same environment.
Through this project, a series of actions were to be carried out with the aim of improving and maintaining the natural habitats of the Bonelli's eagle in the Almenara SPA. In this way, the conservation of the species was to be made compatible with the socio-economic development of the communities affected by the SPA designation. Conventions or agreements were to be established with the owners of game preserves and agricultural holdings for the joint management of habitats. In cooperation with electricity companies, dangerous power lines (high and medium voltage) were to be corrected. Populations of the Bonelli's eagle's main prey, i.e. rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) were to be reinforced. Educational and awareness raising activities with the local population and stakeholders were to be carried out and most importantly an intergrated management plan for the SPA was to be obtained through the project.
While most of the actions were successfully completed, the Management Plan for the SPA had not been approved by the end of the project. This tool is crucial for the conservation of suitable habitats in this region and hence for the conservation of the Bonelli's eagle since its status is still critical. The number of pairs in the SPA is stable but does not show clear signs of recovery. The SPA management plan would also benefit other priority bird species.
Several other actions have been successfully implemented. Thousands of rabbits and red-legged partridge were released to reinforce their populations. The cooperation with the electricity companies in order to mitigate the hazards of dangerous power lines was achieved. 10.6 km of high tension power lines have been corrected by marking with polypropylene orange spirals (original target was 6km). Mid-tension lines were also corrected. Voluntary agreements with land owners were signed.
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