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"Multi-stakeholder, Cross-sectorial, Collaborative long term Research & Innovation Road Map to overcome Technological and Non-technological barriers towards more energy-efficient buildings & districts" (BUILDING UP)
Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The strategic objective of BUILDING UP project is to create an effective coordination of ETPs and major initiatives whose SRAs and activities address energy efficiency in the built environment from an NMP perspective, to identify and review the needs in terms of long term research and innovation. To achieve this, six ETPs, namely ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform), Suschem (Sustainable Chemicals), EUMAT (European Advanced Material Platform), Textile ETP (European Technology Platform for the Future of Textile and Clothing), ESTEP (European Steel Platform), FTP (Forest Technology Platform), including their national platforms, have joined forces with other relevant initiatives such as the ERANET ERACOBUILD in order to build a collaboration framework which, pioneered in this CSA under the NMP theme, will be an effective demonstrator to draw guidelines and policy recommendations for the engagement of the public and private sectors in the area of Energy Efficient buildings, preparing the ground for any future implementation beyond 2013 through relevant European and National public and private (industrial) research initiatives. Indeed the main differentiator of this Coordination Action versus the running EeB PPP is that we are targeting a much long term scenario well beyond 2013, outside the scope of the European Economic Recovery Plan.Addressing COMMON NEEDS AND CHALLENGES will pave the way towards the development of radically new products and services enabled by NMP technologies while ensuring that all the necessary bottlenecks and gaps at technological, non-technological and programme level are properly addressed for enhanced sustainability, competitiveness and employment, the key socio-economic challenges for a knowledge based and “eco-innovative” society in the 21st century."

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