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Moving On
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Moving on ” project should involve 2 volunteer, 2 sending organization (UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID e VIA e.V. - Verein für internationalen und interkulturellen Austausch) and a hosting organization ( Coop Diapason, Italy) for 8 months, from september 2016 to may 2017. Volunteers will be involved in a network of activities for youth in Monza municipality (Milano, Italy) where an integrated system of youth interventions is run by our professional staff since 24 years. Here they will have the chance to experience team work and different kinds of youth projects, giving their help to professional staff members and local volunteers in one cultural services " Centro Socio Culturale ” or " Centro Giovani Tempo Insieme )for young people from 13 to 25 years old) and overall in MILLESOLI HOUSE FAMILY (a place in which we host 9 disadvantage adolescent from 13 to 19 years old). They also will partecipate to the new project "Campo Comune -spazi giovanili di nuova generazione a Cederna". The general expected outcomes are to give youngsters, through their partecipation in a voluntary experience abroad, the possibility of increasing their self esteem, their capacity of adaptation in another reality and the development of their social skills which are the necessary tools to be conscious and partecipateve actors of the local reality they are living in. Other expected outcomes are the development of specific skills and attitudes directly linked to the project such as competences in social animation in the work with children and teenagers team working and linguistic skills. We also want to involve volunteers to understand with us new goals of Erasmus Plus and explain it to Monza's young people
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